What Is Legal Insurance?

Legal Insurance: A Must-Have for Parents

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Working parents make up a sizable portion of the country's workforce. These parents want to work for companies that will help them provide for their children and keep them safe — physically, financially and legally. A strong benefits package that includes legal insurance provides employees with quick and affordable access to attorneys when their children and families are facing legal situations.

Common legal issues that parents may encounter include:

Estate planning: Everyone should have a will or trust, but it is especially crucial for people who have dependents. For those with children under the age of 18, they will want to name guardians for their kids in case something happens to both parents. Without a will or trust, the state decides what happens.

Identity theft: Children are targeted more often than adults as victims of identity theft, and cases with a child victim tends to be much more expensive. Kids' Social Security numbers are perfect targets for criminals because kids have no credit history, and until they are at least teenagers won't be doing things like applying for credit cards and loans or making big purchases that would raise red flags.

Bullying and cyberbullying: 1 in 5 students are victims of bullying every year. It has become such a problem that all states have a law or policy in place that addresses bullying. Cyberbullying has increasingly become a bigger problem as children and teens spend more of their time online. In fact, teens spend an average of nine hours a day with digital technology. If children are harassed online (or are the ones doing the harassing), parents may need to involve the law.

Distracted driving: Half of all teens will get in a car crash before they graduate high school. This is because they are inexperienced and easily distracted by things such as friends in the car, loud music or texting while driving. Depending on state laws, moving violations and accidents can carry steeper penalties for teens, especially if they are still on a restricted license.

A strong benefits package that includes legal insurance provides employees with quick and affordable access to attorneys when their children and families are facing legal situations.


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