Plan for the Future

What Plan Members Think of ARAG

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The comments below are a sample of how ARAG legal insurance has saved people time and money and decreased their stress.

"Because I have an ARAG legal plan I don't hesitate to call for legal advice instead of putting it off because it may be expensive. This has given me peace of mind over the years. There have been situations which have required good legal judgment and the local attorney I've used to call has been very helpful." - Theresa M.

"I definitely recommend ARAG for legal matters. It is easy to use; just make an appointment and the attorney does the rest! Great for people who don't have a lot of time in the day for tons of paperwork." - Eiko L.

"My father passed 8 years matter what ever happened, I knew I could call him. Having the opportunity to call and speak with an attorney that can give me sound advise is like having the comfort of calling my father all over again. EVERY attorney I have spoken to has been kind and caring and honest. I feel like I have a bubble of protection around me by having the legal plan." - Stephanie B.

"ARAG made it easy and affordable to put legal documents in place, giving my family peace of mind should any unfortunate events occur." - Gary K.


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