Employee Wellness

Adding Legal to Benefits Helps Balance Employees' Professional, Personal Lives

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A critical aspect of employee wellness means maintaining healthy separation between one's work and personal life. But no matter how hard an employee may try, no one can leave personal issues entirely outside the workplace. That's where the benefits offered by their employer can help: to address multiple facets of an employee's well-being.

And, employees are grateful for that support — work-life balance has been shown to be a major contributor to retention and happiness at the office. 

When life events turn legal

There are times, though, when event in an employee's life — such as a divorce, bankruptcy or death in the family — demand such attention that it begins to affect the employee's ability to perform satisfactorily at work.

Understanding and kind words are helpful coming from the employee's manager and can go a long way to show support, but offering benefits that provide advice and counsel to employees in their times of need can be even more beneficial. A legal insurance plan is one of those unique yet valuable benefits that can address many facets of an employee’s life, especially when a situation turns into a legal or financial issue.

For example, if an employee is going through a divorce, a legal insurance plan provides him or her affordable access to a network attorney who can offer legal guidance, draft and review documents and provide representation, if needed. It’s a voluntary benefit that gives employees somewhere to turn to help restore some balance to both their personal life and professional career. This, in turn, helps reduce the overall stress and time spent trying to resolve the issue, and bolsters an employee’s overall sense of well-being, as the following statistics suggest1:

  • 90 percent of plan members feel that having legal insurance reduces their stress when dealing with legal issues.
  • Plan members reported that they felt their ARAG plan saved them an average of 8.5 hours per legal matter.

Interested in learning more about how legal insurance can benefit you and your employees? Contact us for more information.

1 2016 ARAG Plan Member Satisfaction Survey.



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